The Coalition for Affordable Utility Services and Energy Efficiency in Pennsylvania (CAUSE-PA)
CAUSE-PA is an unincorporated association of low and moderate income individuals that advocates on behalf of its members to enable consumers of limited economic means to connect to and maintain affordable water, electric, heating, and telecommunication services.
CAUSE-PA membership is open to moderate and low income individuals residing throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who are committed to the goal of helping low income families maintain affordable access to utility services and achieve economic independence.
Serve in an advisory role to the Pennsylvania Utility Law Project (PULP).
Participate in monthly conference calls and annual in-person meetings to discuss utility matters impacting Pennsylvanians with limited economic means.
Advocate for improvements to utility policies and programs that help Pennsylvanians connect and maintain services to their home.
Give testimony before the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
Engage in education and outreach to our communities.
Receive free trainings to learn about issues impacting low income Pennsylvanians.
Improve the availability and effectiveness of utility-run customer assistance programs.
Promote policies to combat energy insecurity.
Increase access to and the funding of hardship grants dedicated to the maintenance and restoration of utility services.
Work with partnering organizations to improve access to weatherization and energy efficiency programs.
Work to redefine categories of utility rate classes that currently impede access to weatherization and affordability measures for low income families residing in mass-metered, multi-family housing.
Increase public awareness of energy poverty and the services and supports needed by families to achieve self-sufficiency and meet essential needs.
Promote changes to the law that will allow families to achieve energy stability and economic independence and ensure that families have sufficient income and support to meet their basic needs and improve their standard of living.
CAUSE-PA Successes
More Utility Bill Assistance
Over $17 million of debt forgiveness and / or dollars dedicated to increased Customer Assistance Programs and refunds to low income households.
Increased Energy Efficiency
More than $25 million dollars in additional money dedicated to energy efficiency and weatherization services for low income households.
Moving Public Policy
Customer Assistance Program shopping protections.
Pilot programs dedicated to helping families move away from using space heaters as their primary heat source.
Increased utility customer protections.
The Coalition for Affordable Utility Services and Energy Efficiency (CAUSE-PA) membership is open to low and moderate income individuals residing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and advocates (including organizations) who are committed to the goal of helping low and moderate income families maintain affordable access to utility services and achieve economic independence and family well-being.
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